Start Planning Your Spring Landscaping Projects Now
Why get an early jump on spring landscaping projects? There are several reasons to get involved in the planning phase now, even if a few fall rainy days are a little distracting when it comes to thinking about warm weather projects. Here are four reasons to think about your plans today.
- Better Deals – Everyone is thinking about their yard in the spring. That means the best time to make purchases is in the fall when you may be able to pick up gardening supplies or other needed materials at a better price.
- Short Winters – The dreary wet weather doesn’t last long in sunny California. Before you know it, spring weather will be here, and you don’t want to be caught without a plan when it’s time to start moving earth.
- Observing the Landscape – This is a great time of year to see the natural areas of your property where water runs off or drains naturally. If anything needs to be fixed to sustain the types of plants you want, this is the time of year you’ll discover it.
- The Designer You Want Is Available – Landscape designers are busy in the nice weather when everyone is thinking about spending time outdoors. Now is the time to find a designer to sit down with and draw up a plan to stay ahead of the spring rush.
West Coast Trees is happy to provide the finest in landscaping consultation services. We want to hear about your project now so things can be ready to go the first time the sun peeks through the clouds this spring. Give us a call at 619-518-9507 to get started today!

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Start Planning Your Spring Landscaping Projects Now
Why get an early jump on spring landscaping projects? Here are four reasons to think about your plans and call us at 619-518-9507 to get started today!
West Coast Trees